The Mother Threads Membership

As mothers, we are tenders of the ancestral fires. I have created a tenderly woven eight week package to support you in this sacred journey.

The Mother Threads Membership

I have been called to share with you my vision for the Mother Threads. It has been a huge journey for me and I bless each moment of it for its gifts.

I have a vision for mothers that we step into our true role as wisdom keepers, tenders of the fires of our families and holders of the circle of elders. My guides tell me so much about the way that family life is changing in the future, how the birth of a child is to be celebrated in families. How the role of Mothers will go on to reclaim that of the ancient matriarchal cultures that the Mayan’s have maintained. When the new is birthed, let it be birthed through the loving arms of the mother.


The power of birthing from the womb and connecting with this energy is one to be supported, protected and held in sacred circle.

Mother Threads Membership

I would like to continue to offer online and in person sessions to support this reconnection with the lineage of the Ancient Matriarchal cultures where the emotional nurturing threads are at the centre of each family.

I would like to move towards a monthly membership which can also be a drop in.

Each month, in the Free Facebook group,  I will introduce a theme we will be working with that month.

Click Here to Join


Upcoming Themes


June: The Sacred Mother and Sacred Daughter - rites of passage in girlhood and womanhood

This is a reclamation of the visibility of girlhood, a celebration of her rites of passage and transformations through her lifetime. 

July and August: The Mystic and the Storyteller


How do we create healing narratives and reimagine ourselves as Mothers for our children? 

Retreat Day: Monday 15th July 

September and October: Womb Healing 

Healing the Womb Line, releasing shame and creating powerful womb-led Creations, reclaiming the sacredness of the womb and all it's softness and truth


October: Reclaiming Sacred Ceremony for Death and Dying 

The maternal grandmother is the one who most often comes with the angels to meet the dying soul. Understanding the processes of dying and bringing compassion, sacredness and ancestral tending brings such healing for both the dying and the grieving. 

The Offering: Online and In-Person Sessions 


First Monday of the Month:

10.00-11.30am – introduce the theme and shamanic healing process of the month

Week Two: Monday 10:00 – 11.30

Space holding circle of inner processes and reflections relating to the theme

Wednesday Evenings

Mother as Creatrix Drop-In Session 7-8.30pm

We will be working with the month’s theme to bring your voice, creativity, and expression into being with a soul-tending art session




£40.00 a month

Includes 3 sessions and 20% off retreat days which will be 10-2pm on a Monday or Friday at Fell Edge, Addingham or Middlewood Trust, Lancaster

Drop – In £15.00 each session

20% of 1:1 Healing Sessions Online 

Next Retreat Day: Monday 15th July at Fell Edge 

 Message me to arrange a connection call about the membership or book a session here: 

Book A Connection Call